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core beliefs

the operation


Expedition Balance was founded as a Texas nonprofit organization in October, 2009. We began serving the Houston community in 2010, by offering yoga classes specifically-designed for Veterans suffering from PTSD.  In addition, we began offering classes in healthy eating, creative expression, and led hikes in area, state, and national parks.


Our programs are proven and now there are Department of Defense installations that offer similar programs to active duty service people. Expedition Balance is one of the few organizations that provides this brand of non-clinical support to help overcome emotional and mental distress caused by service.


Though out the year, components of our Core Progams come together in our Expeditions.  Expeditions are an opportunity for military Veterans to attend a fully-funded wellness retreat, created to offer an environment of outdoor fun, camaraderie, and healing.  Expeditions are open to military Veterans of any era, male or female, living anywhere in the US.


Our Expeditions serve both Veterans who are managing physical challenges as well as trauma-related ones (PTSD, TBI). We typically have 12 openings available for these life-changing experiences, paid for by our donors. Veterans selected for these event pay nothing in cash, though they will commit to perform a service project in their community after the event. 

ongoing support


We provide ongoing support in the community to support the recuperative efforts of the participants, complementing psychological and drug therapies offered by other providers.  This ongoing support includes programs that encourage participants to stay on the right path in everyday life.


contemplative practice


Meditation, yoga, and the immersion in a natural environment, all help to quiet the mind, allowing positive thoughts to replace destructive ones.  Frequent practice of these methods trains the mind to permanently realign neural pathways, allowing for long-term benefits to ensue.  Mindful practice and awareness is proven to increase life expectancy, happiness, and a sense of purpose in many.



exercise & physical fitness


Also a positive distraction, exercise alters brain chemistry, relieving stress, improving sleep patterns, and encourages feelings of control.  Frequent exercise results in physical fitness and often coincides with good nutrition.


creative expression


Writing, drawing, and painting are activities known to help individuals communicate thoughts and feelings that otherwise find no expression.  Keeping a journal can be an effective tool in expressing feelings and allows for some self-coping mechanisms to root.  Similarly, art therapy is a recognized method for self-expression, alleviating stress, enhancing self-esteem, and being an effective distraction activity.



peer group interaction


Voluntary group interaction in a non-clinical environment encourages discussion with other survivors of trauma, promotes reconnection to society, and reminds participants that they are not alone




Positive distraction activities replace bad memories and feelings and allow for creative expression of mind.  The promotion of teamwork and joyful endeavors is an effective tool in combating depression




An effective manner to reconnect to the community, reigniting a feeling of worth, positive contribution, and meaningfulness.  We partner w/ other organizations and participate in projects and activities that benefit the communities where we work and live.




Food is the simplest method of altering brain and body chemistry.  Expeditions will demonstrate the benefits of nutritious meals, and ongoing nutrition education and awareness will empower participants with the knowledge necessary in selecting foods and supplements that will further help balance body and mind.


alcohol & drug abstinence


The absence of the influences of alcohol and drugs will allow participants the opportunity to regain full sobriety and allow various coping mechanisms to take effect.

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